SequentialGuid version 2, with IComparable and creation date and time

Why a new version of SequentialGuid?

In an earlier post I compared the performance of Int (with autonumber) and a (Sequential) guid in SQL server. I posted an implementation of a C# SequentialGuid that created Guid's that were sequential, but they where still regular Guids. Once you had a Guid, it was just a regular Guid with the last 6 bytes ordered. The new version is a wrapper around the Guid with some cool extra stuff.

What is new in this version?

The basic algorithm is the same (backwards compatible) but the new version adds the following (new) possibilities:

      // Create some SequentialGuids
      var sGuid1 = SequentialGuid.NewSequentialGuid(); // 475db041-7922-4ac2-b111-0a727ed760b4
      var sGuid2 = SequentialGuid.NewSequentialGuid(); // f7b1fd91-964a-48ca-8c6c-0a727ed826e7
      var sGuid3 = SequentialGuid.NewSequentialGuid(); // 92ff115d-d1bd-4374-af81-0a727ed826e8

      // NEW: Comparing Sequential Guids is now easy

      var isBigger = sGuid2 > sGuid3; // false
      var isSmaller = sGuid2 < sGuid3; // true

      var wrongOrder = new[] {sGuid2, sGuid3, sGuid1};
      var goodOrder = wrongOrder.OrderBy(g => g); // sGuid1, sGuid2, sGuid3

      // NEW (and cool): You can see the time creation date and time, 
      //                 even after it was stored in the database

      var sGuidFromDb1 = (SequentialGuid) new Guid("475db041-7922-4ac2-b111-0a727ed760b4");
      var sGuidFromDb2 = (SequentialGuid) new Guid("f7b1fd91-964a-48ca-8c6c-0a727ed826e7");
      var sGuidFromDb3 = (SequentialGuid) new Guid("92ff115d-d1bd-4374-af81-0a727ed826e8");

      string s1 = sGuidFromDb1.ToString(); //475db041-7922-4ac2-b111-0a727ed760b4 (2015-06-20 14:51:21.634)
      DateTime d2 = sGuidFromDb2.CreatedDateTime; // 2015-06-20 14:51:22.1349254
      DateTime d3 = sGuidFromDb3.CreatedDateTime; // 2015-06-20 14:51:22.1349353

      // Regular stuff

      Guid id = SequentialGuid.NewSequentialGuid(); // Just like Guid.NewGuid(); 
      // id = 30adce22-de76-4279-99ca-0a72884df151

The ordering is the same as in SQL Server.


I decided to do the conversion from SequentialGuid to Guid implicit because each SequentialGuid is a Guid. The conversion from Guid to SequentialGuid needs to be explicit because not all Guids are SequentialGuids.

The SequentialGuid is a struct, because the Guid was already a struct. This makes the difference between the two as small as possible. The CreationDataTime is not lazy because a struct should not use much memory.

The period is no longer parameterized in the constructor, because comparing will not work with different periods.

Guids and Sequential Guids can also be compared.


This is the source of the new version of SequentialGuid:

      public struct SequentialGuid : IComparable<SequentialGuid>, IComparable<Guid>, IComparable
          private const int NumberOfSequenceBytes = 6;
          private const int PermutationsOfAByte = 256;
          private static readonly long MaximumPermutations =
          (long)Math.Pow(PermutationsOfAByte, NumberOfSequenceBytes);
          private static long _lastSequence;

          private static readonly DateTime SequencePeriodStart =
          new DateTime(2011, 11, 15, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); // Start = 000000

          private static readonly DateTime SequencePeriodeEnd =
          new DateTime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);   // End   = FFFFFF

          private readonly Guid _guidValue;

          public SequentialGuid(Guid guidValue)
            _guidValue = guidValue;

          public SequentialGuid(string guidValue): this(new Guid(guidValue))

          public static SequentialGuid NewSequentialGuid()
            // You might want to inject DateTime.Now in production code
            return new SequentialGuid(GetGuidValue(DateTime.Now));

          public static TimeSpan TimePerSequence
              var ticksPerSequence = TotalPeriod.Ticks / MaximumPermutations;
              var result = new TimeSpan(ticksPerSequence);
              return result;

          public static TimeSpan TotalPeriod
              var result = SequencePeriodeEnd - SequencePeriodStart;
              return result;

          #region FromDateTimeToGuid

          // Internal for testing
          internal static Guid GetGuidValue(DateTime now)
            if (now < SequencePeriodStart || now >= SequencePeriodeEnd)
                return Guid.NewGuid(); // Outside the range, use regular Guid

            var sequence = GetCurrentSequence(now);
            return GetGuid(sequence);

          private static long GetCurrentSequence(DateTime now)
              var ticksUntilNow = now.Ticks - SequencePeriodStart.Ticks;
              var factor = (decimal)ticksUntilNow / TotalPeriod.Ticks;
              var resultDecimal = factor * MaximumPermutations;
              var resultLong = (long)resultDecimal;
              return resultLong;

          private static readonly object SynchronizationObject = new object();
          private static Guid GetGuid(long sequence)
            lock (SynchronizationObject)
                if (sequence <= _lastSequence)
                  // Prevent double sequence on same server
                  sequence = _lastSequence + 1;
                _lastSequence = sequence;

            var sequenceBytes = GetSequenceBytes(sequence);
            var guidBytes = GetGuidBytes();
            var totalBytes = guidBytes.Concat(sequenceBytes).ToArray();
            var result = new Guid(totalBytes);
            return result;

          private static IEnumerable<byte> GetSequenceBytes(long sequence)
            var sequenceBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(sequence);
            var sequenceBytesLongEnough = sequenceBytes.Concat(new byte[NumberOfSequenceBytes]);
            var result = sequenceBytesLongEnough.Take(NumberOfSequenceBytes).Reverse();
            return result;

          private static IEnumerable<byte> GetGuidBytes()
            return Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(10);


          #region FromGuidToDateTime

          public DateTime CreatedDateTime
              return GetCreatedDateTime(_guidValue);

          internal static DateTime GetCreatedDateTime(Guid value)
            var sequenceBytes = GetSequenceLongBytes(value).ToArray();
            var sequenceLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(sequenceBytes, 0);
            var sequenceDecimal = (decimal)sequenceLong;
            var factor = sequenceDecimal / MaximumPermutations;
            var ticksUntilNow = factor * TotalPeriod.Ticks;
            var nowTicksDecimal = ticksUntilNow + SequencePeriodStart.Ticks;
            var nowTicks = (long)nowTicksDecimal;
            var result = new DateTime(nowTicks);
            return result;

          private static IEnumerable<byte> GetSequenceLongBytes(Guid value)
            const int numberOfBytesOfLong = 8;
            var sequenceBytes = value.ToByteArray().Skip(10).Reverse().ToArray();
            var additionalBytesCount = numberOfBytesOfLong - sequenceBytes.Length;
            return sequenceBytes.Concat(new byte[additionalBytesCount]);


          #region Relational Operators

          public static bool operator <(SequentialGuid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
              return value1.CompareTo(value2="") < 0;

          public static bool operator >(SequentialGuid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
              return value1.CompareTo(value2) > 0;
          public static bool operator <(Guid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
              return value1.CompareTo(value2="") < 0;
          public static bool operator >(Guid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
              return value1.CompareTo(value2) > 0;
          public static bool operator <(SequentialGuid value1, Guid value2)
              return value1.CompareTo(value2="") < 0;
          public static bool operator >(SequentialGuid value1, Guid value2)
              return value1.CompareTo(value2) > 0;

          public static bool operator <=(SequentialGuid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) <= 0;

          public static bool operator >=(SequentialGuid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) >= 0;

          public static bool operator <=(Guid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) <= 0;

          public static bool operator >=(Guid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) >= 0;

          public static bool operator <=(SequentialGuid value1, Guid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) <= 0;

          public static bool operator >=(SequentialGuid value1, Guid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) >= 0;


          #region Equality Operators

          public static bool operator ==(SequentialGuid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) == 0;

          public static bool operator !=(SequentialGuid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return !(value1 == value2);

          public static bool operator ==(Guid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) == 0;

          public static bool operator !=(Guid value1, SequentialGuid value2)
            return !(value1 == value2);

          public static bool operator ==(SequentialGuid value1, Guid value2)
            return value1.CompareTo(value2) == 0;

          public static bool operator !=(SequentialGuid value1, Guid value2)
            return !(value1 == value2);


          #region CompareTo

          public int CompareTo(object obj)
            if (obj is SequentialGuid)
              return CompareTo((SequentialGuid)obj);
            if (obj is Guid)
              return CompareTo((Guid)obj);
            throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is not of the rigt type");

          public int CompareTo(SequentialGuid other)
            return CompareTo(other._guidValue);

          public int CompareTo(Guid other)
            return CompareImplementation(_guidValue, other);

          private static readonly int[] IndexOrderingHighLow = { 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };

          private static int CompareImplementation(Guid left, Guid right)
            var leftBytes = left.ToByteArray();
            var rightBytes = right.ToByteArray();

            return IndexOrderingHighLow.Select(i => leftBytes[i].CompareTo(rightBytes[i])).FirstOrDefault(r => r != 0);


          #region Equals

          public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            if (obj is SequentialGuid || obj is Guid)
              return CompareTo(obj) == 0;

            return false;

          public bool Equals(SequentialGuid other)
            return CompareTo(other) == 0;

          public bool Equals(Guid other)
            return CompareTo(other) == 0;

          public override int GetHashCode()
            return _guidValue.GetHashCode();


          #region Conversion operators

          public static implicit operator Guid(SequentialGuid value)
            return value._guidValue;

          public static explicit operator SequentialGuid(Guid value)
            return new SequentialGuid(value);


          #region ToString

          public override string ToString()
            var roundedCreatedDateTime = Round(CreatedDateTime, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
            return string.Format("{0} ({1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff})", _guidValue, roundedCreatedDateTime);

          private static DateTime Round(DateTime dateTime, TimeSpan interval)
            var halfIntervalTicks = (interval.Ticks + 1) >> 1;

            return dateTime.AddTicks(halfIntervalTicks - ((dateTime.Ticks + halfIntervalTicks) % interval.Ticks));


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