Lazy<T> property caching alternative

Lazy, property cache must often be implemented in constructor

Lazy is a handy class, available since .NET 4.0. It has only one big disadvantage: if you use it to cache a property and it uses other members of the class, you need to implement the property in the constructor. An example:

      class Test
          private readonly Lazy<int> _someValue =
              new Lazy<int>(GetSomeValue); // Does not compile
          public int SomeValue
                  return _someValue.Value;
          private int GetSomeValue()
              // Not static, calls other properties
              throw new NotImplementedException();

This does not compile because GetSomeValue() is not static and fields are intitialized before the objected is constructed. (A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property).

A solution could be to initialize the property in the constructor:

      class Test
          public Test()
              _someValue = new Lazy<int>(GetSomeValue); 
          private readonly Lazy<int> _someValue;
          public int SomeValue
                  return _someValue.Value;
          private int GetSomeValue()
              // Not static, calls other properties
              throw new NotImplementedException();

But this has some disadvantages:

  • You need to care about the sequence of code in the constructor. (Not calling something that is not already initialiazed)
  • When you view the code of a property, you can not see how the property is implemented.

Implement the property in the property, not in the constructor

The solution is create a lazy alternative that has a parameterless constructor:

      public class LazyValue<T>
          private T _value;
          public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; }
          private readonly object _lock = new object();
          public T GetValue(Func<T> producer)
              if (producer == null)
                  throw new ArgumentNullException("producer");
              if (!IsInitialized)
                  lock (_lock)
                      if (!IsInitialized)
                          _value = producer();
                          IsInitialized = true;
              return _value;
          internal T Value
                  if (!IsInitialized)
                      throw new FieldAccessException("This value needs to be set by using the GetValue() method or setting the Value property");
                  return _value;

Now you can implement the property just like this:

      private readonly LazyValue<int> _someValue = new LazyValue<int>();
      public int SomeValue
              return _someValue.GetValue(GetSomeValue);
      private int GetSomeValue()
          // Not static, calls other properties
          throw new NotImplementedException();

Or without a seperate Get-method like in this example:

      private readonly LazyValue<Guid> _id = new LazyValue<Guid>();
      public Guid Id
              return _id.GetValue(Guid.NewGuid);

Lazy with IEnumerable, a separate lazy class

There is an other problem with Lazy. In the next class Lazy is useless:

      class Test
          private readonly Lazy<IEnumerable<Guid>> _someValues =
              new Lazy<IEnumerable<Guid>>(GetSomeValues);
          public IEnumerable<Guid> SomeValues
                  return _someValues.Value;
          private static IEnumerable<Guid> GetSomeValues()
              for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
                  yield return Guid.NewGuid();

When running this code...

      var t = new Test();
      foreach (var value in t.SomeValues.Take(3))
      foreach (var value in t.SomeValues.Take(3))

... it returns 6 different Guid's! (And not: guid 4, 5 and 6 are the same as 1, 2 and 3). The "solution" with Lazy is to add ".ToList()" to the constructor in the field:

      private readonly Lazy<IEnumerable<Guid>> _someValues = 
          new Lazy<IEnumerable<Guid>>(() => GetSomeValues().ToList());

That is not really lazy because it creates 40 Guid's to show only 3 Guid's!

The solution is to use this class:

      public class LazyEnumerableValue<T>
          // LazyList<T>, see other post:
          private readonly LazyValue<LazyList<T>> _cache = new LazyValue<LazyList<T>>();
          public IEnumerable<T> GetValue(Func<IEnumerable<T>> producer)
              return _cache.GetValue(() => CacheEnumerable(producer));
          private LazyList<T> CacheEnumerable(Func<IEnumerable<T>> producer)
              var value = producer();
              var result = value.ToLazyList();
              return result;
          public bool AllElementsAreCached
                  return _cache.IsInitialized && _cache.Value.AllElementsAreCached;

Now it works as simple as this:

      private readonly LazyEnumerableValue<Guid> _someValues =
          new LazyEnumerableValue<Guid>();
      public IEnumerable<Guid> SomeValues
              return _someValues.GetValue(GetSomeValues);
      private static IEnumerable<Guid> GetSomeValues()
          for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
              yield return Guid.NewGuid();

Combine the 2 classes, the ultimate caching class

To make it really easy for the user of the two classes LazyValue and LazyEnumerableValue, I have combined those two classes. If the value implements IEnumerable but not IList, it automatically converts the IEnumerable to a LazyList with a 'dynamic trick' so it is only enumerated once and not more than necessary. The disadvantage is that the first call of GetValue() is slightly slower.

      public class LazyValue<T>
          private T _value;
          public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; }
          private readonly object _lock = new object();
          public T GetValue(Func<T> producer)
              if (producer == null)
                  throw new ArgumentNullException("producer");
              if (!IsInitialized) //  Double-checked locking pattern
                  lock (_lock) 
                      if (!IsInitialized) //  Double-checked locking pattern
                          _value = ConvertToListIfNecessary(producer());
                          IsInitialized = true;
              return _value;
          private T ConvertToListIfNecessary(dynamic value)
              return MaybeToList(value);
          private LazyList<TP> MaybeToList<TP>(IEnumerable<TP> value)
              // LazyList<T>, see other post:
              return new LazyList<TP>(value);
          private IList<TP> MaybeToList<TP>(IList<TP> value)
              return value;
          private object MaybeToList(object value)
              return value;


I used input from two people for this post:

  • Frank Bakker for the initial "GetValue(Func<> producer)" solution. (No longer a func in the constructor like Laz<>).
  • Jon Skeet for the "Dynamic trick"

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