A SOLID validation class


A long story today, but very instructive if you do not have much experience with SOLID. I will give you 2 clues in advance:

  • Don't implement validations in other objects but give the other objects a list of validations (using Dependency inversion).
  • When the validation uses a logical implication (if condition P is true then requirement Q needs to be true), do not implement the condition and the requirement in 1 property, but create a 2 properties (condition and requirement).


Image you have the folowing data transfer class that needs to be validated:

      public class Person
          public string Name { get; set; }
          public int Age { get; set; }
          public bool ConsumesAlcohol { get; set; }

These validations needs to be created:

  1. A person is only allowed to consume alcohol when his or her age is 18 or higher.
  2. The age of a person must be 0 of higher.

Worst solution

      public class AlcoholSeller
          // Other codes not shown
          private void Validate(Person person)
              private const int MinimumAge = 18;
              // Previous code forces person can not be null
              if (person.Age < MinimumAge && person.ConsumesAlcohol)
                  throw new ValidationException(
                      "{0} is not allowed to consume alcohol because his or her age ({1}) is not {2} or higher.",
                      person.Name, person.Age, MinimumAge);
              if (person.Age < 0)
                  throw new ValidationException("Age of {0} must be higher than 0",

using this exception:

      public class ValidationException : Exception
          public ValidationException(string message, params object[] args)
              : base(String.Format(message, args))

This is not a good (SOLID) solution:<

  • The Validate method has multiple responsibilities (Single responsibility).
  • The Validate method has to change when a new validation will be added (Open/close principle, Dependency inversion).
  • It shows only the first message that is invalid.
  • The conditions are inverted (negative condition is harder to read).
  • This model can not stand when the Person has 20 validations (otherwise the method would be much to long).

An alternative solution would be: 1 class implements 1 validation. Advantages:

  • Object orientation possible:
    • Inheritance: 2 different valdiations can use the logic of the same base class.
    • Reuse: For example: validating the age of a customer and a employee can be done with the same validation class: "Age must be 0 or higher".
    • Polyformism: A collection of validations can be handled easily.
  • Methods, constants, variables, etc. only used by the validation can be placed (private) in a class. If a validation is no longer needed, just delete the class and all related code is deleted automatically.
  • Unittesting is much easier.

Create a class for a validation

To make polyformism possible, let's use a small interface (interface segregation principle):

      public interface IValidation
          bool IsValid { get; } // True when valid
          void Validate(); // Throws an exception when not valid
          string Message { get; } // The message when object is not valid

and then create a base class for (most of) the validations

      public abstract class ValidationBase<T> : IValidation where T : class
          protected T Context { get; private set; }
          protected ValidationBase(T context)
              if (context == null)
                  throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
              Context = context;
          public void Validate()
              if (!IsValid)
                  throw new ValidationException(Message);
          public abstract bool IsValid { get; } 
          public abstract string Message { get; }

The 2 validations can now be rewritten:

      public class OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcoholValidation : ValidationBase<Person>
          private const int MinimumAge = 18;
          public OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcohol(Person context)
              : base(context)
          public override bool IsValid
              get { return !Context.ConsumesAlcohol || Context.Age >= 18; }
          public override string Message
                  return string.Format(
                      "{0} is not allowed to consume alcohol because his or her age ({1}) not is {2} or higher.",
                      Context.Name, Context.Age, MinimumAge);


      public class Age0OrHigherValidation : ValidationBase<Person>
          public Age0OrHigherValidation(Person context)
              : base(context)
          public override bool IsValid
              get { return Context.Age >= 0; }
          public override string Message
                  return string.Format("The Age {1} of {0} is not 0 or higher.",
                      Context.Name, Context.Age);

Now it can be combined with a special List to make polyformism possible:

      public class ValidationList : List<IValidation>, IValidationList
          public bool IsValid
                  return this.All(v => v.IsValid);
          public void Validate()
              foreach (var validation in this)
          public IEnumerable<string> Messages
                  return this.Where(v => !v.IsValid).Select(v => v.Message);

Implementing this small interface (interface segregation principle):

      public interface IValidationList
          bool IsValid { get; }
          void Validate();
          IEnumerable<string> Messages { get; }

Now the AlcoholSeller class can be loosely coupled from the validations applying Dependency inversion:

      public class AlcoholSeller
          private readonly IValidationList _validationList;
          public AlcoholSeller(IValidationList validationList)
              _validationList = validationList;
          // Other code not shown
          private bool IsValid
                  return _validationList.IsValid;
          private IEnumerable<string> Messages
                  return _validationList.Messages;

When new validations are added to validationList, the AlcoholSeller class does not need any change (Open/close principle, Dependency inversion).

Unit tests

Unit test of the validations are now completely separated from the AlcoholSeller class. The unit tests of both the validation classes are separated as wel.

      public class OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcoholValidationTest
          public void Person18AndConsumingAlcohol()
              AssertHelper(18, true, true);
          public void Person17AndConsumingAlcohol()
              AssertHelper(17, true, false);
          public void Person18AndNotConsumingAlcohol()
              AssertHelper(18, false, true);
          public void Person17AndNotConsumingAlcohol()
              AssertHelper(17, false, true);
          private void AssertHelper(int age, bool consumesAlcohol, bool expected)
              var person = new Person { Age = age, ConsumesAlcohol = consumesAlcohol };
              var validation = new OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcoholValidation(person);
              Assert.AreEqual(expected, validation.IsValid);  


      public class Age0OrHigherValidationTest
          public void AgeIs0()
              AssertHelper(0, true);
          public void AgeIsBelow0()
              AssertHelper(-1, false);
          private void AssertHelper(int age, bool expected)
              var person = new Person { Age = age };
              var validation = new Age0OrHigherValidation(person);
              Assert.AreEqual(expected, validation.IsValid);  

Logical implication

The OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcoholValidation has a IsValid property containing the following implication: If a person consumes alcohol, the person's age needs to be at least 18. This is written as !Condition || requirement:

      return !Context.ConsumesAlcohol || Context.Age >= 18;

I have seen that this line of code implemented by colleagues , but all used different variations. That makes it hard to review and multiple implementations are also a rich source of bugs. Some examples:

      return !(Context.ConsumesAlcohol && Context.Age < 18);

      if (!Context.ConsumesAlcohol)
          return true;
      if (Context.Age >= 18)
          return false;
      return true;

      if (!Context.ConsumesAlcohol)
          return true;
      return Context.Age < 18;

      if (Context.ConsumesAlcohol)
          return Context.Age < 18;
      return true;

      if (Context.Age >= 18)
          return true;
      return !Context.ConsumesAlcohol;

      if (Context.Age >= 18)
          return true;
      if (Context.ConsumesAlcohol)
          return false;
      return true;

This makes the IsValid propery hard to read and a mistake can easily be made.

The final solution

Implements the implication in a sealed IsInvalid property and split the condition and the requirement in two different properties. The ValidationList and the AlcoholSeller class does not need any change.

The base class:

      public abstract class ValidationBase<T> : IValidation where T : class
          protected T Context { get; private set; }
          protected ValidationBase(T context)
              if (context == null)
                  throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
              Context = context;
          public void Validate()
              if (!IsValid)
                  throw new ValidationException(Message);
          public virtual bool Condition
                  // If the condition is not overriden, the requirent always needs to be true
                  return true; 
          public abstract bool Requirement { get; }
          public bool IsValid { get { return Implication(Condition, Requirement); } } 
          public abstract string Message { get; }
          private static bool Implication(bool condition, bool requirement)
              return !condition || requirement;

The first validation has an implication, but the implication is already implemented in the base class to improve readability. 3 Simple properties are left in this class:

      public class OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcoholValidation : ValidationBase<Person>
          private const int MinimumAge = 18;
          public OnlyAdultsCanConsumeAlcoholValidation(Person context)
              : base(context)
          public override bool Requirement
                  return Context.Age >= 18;
          public override bool Condition
                  return Context.ConsumesAlcohol;
          public override string Message
                  return string.Format(
                      "{0} is not allowed to consume alcohol because his or her age ({1}) not is {2} or higher.",
                      Context.Name, Context.Age, MinimumAge);

The other validation does not need to implement an implication so it has only 2 properties:

      public class Age0OrHigherValidation : ValidationBase<Person>
          public Age0OrHigherValidation(Person context)
              : base(context)
          public override bool Requirement
              get {return Context.Age >= 0;  }
          public override string Message
                  return string.Format("The Age {1} of {0} is not 0 or higher.",
                      Context.Name, Context.Age);

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C# CSharp Blog Comment

Frank Bakker 08-01-2014 / Reply

Hi Alex, (as you know) I like your general aproach in creating these separate validation classes, especially if there are a lot of validations based on the same input. By creating some infrastructure for this you get a great benefit to enforce consistency in how validations are implemented!

One thing I am not sure about is the separation of the condition and the requirement, this seems to be quite arbitrary. I could say
- When you drink(condition) you should be at least 18 (requirement)
But I could also say
- If you are under 18 (condition) you are not allowed to drink (requirement)

Personally I would phrase it the second way, but that is besides the point. My point is that there is no good objective way to choose one over the other, so there is no real distinction to make between two parts of the same validation. Maybe your real world scenario's are better suitable for this, but I would be very carefull not to split all your validations in 2 parts just because you have two methods that can be overridden while some simple boolean logic will also do the trick.

Regards Frank

C# CSharp Blog Comment Reply

Alex Siepman 10-01-2014 / Reply

Hi Frank,

The validation with a separate condition and requirement forces you to NOT implement the implication in the IsValid property . Maybe it is a bit overenginered now. Thanks for your comment .I will consider changing my production code.

Best regards,


C# CSharp Blog Comment

Karthik 19-09-2023 / Reply

Hi, Thanks for the detailed explanation for SOLID principle.

C# CSharp Blog Comment

arme mensen helpen 02-01-2024 / Reply

Arme mensen helpen is een nobel streven dat onze gemeenschap sterker maakt. Laten we samenwerken om de last van armoede te verlichten en een positieve influence te hebben operation de levens van degenen pass on het nodig hebben. Samen kunnen we een verschil maken en loop brengen naar degenen pass on arme mensen helpen.